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Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities and abnormalities. Orthodontics that focuses specifically on straightening of teeth & ensuring your jaws are correctly aligned. Both are important to ensure your mouth functions properly while eating and chewing.

An Orthodontist is a trained dentist who has done further post graduate study to specialize in the field of Orthodontics. This usually takes three years. All Orthodontists are dentists but only four percent dentists are Orthodontists.

Anyone with misaligned or irregular teeth, buck teeth crowded teeth, overlapping teeth, rabbit teeth or ones with gaps in between may require orthodontic treatment. Ask the question: "Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth?" This will be your guide to further development of the conversation.

Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. Such problems can contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss. A bad bite can also cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, difficulty in chewing and/or speaking.

Then there's the emotional side of an unattractive smile. When you're not confident in the way you look, your self-esteem suffers. Children and adults whose malocclusions are left untreated may go through life feeling self-conscious, hiding their smiles with tight lips or a protective hand.

The Indian Orthodontic society recommends that all children have an orthodontic screening no later than age 7. Ideally, sometimes even earlier in case of harmful habits such as thumb/finger/lip sucking or nail biting or major facial defects such as hare-lip or clip-palate.

The usual policy of wait and watch until all permanent teeth come into the mouth (12 to 13 years), often results in a sacrifice of four healthy permanent teeth as well as compromised and camouflaged Late Orthodontic Treatment. This can be avoided by starting treatment early. Latest techniques and modern Orthodontic Appliances have made it even easier to treat younger patients, with safe and painless growth modifying appliances.

In some cases a patient may need to get some teeth extracted in order to fix the braces. Teeth are only removed after serious consideration. However, if the patient is referred to a qualified orthodontist at a young age and the problem is not severe, than the entire treatment may be carried out without tooth removal. It is critical therefore to visit a dentist at the earliest sign of irregular teeth so that he may refer you an orthodontist.

Orthodontic treatment can be successful at almost any age. In fact, about one in every five orthodontic patients today is over age 18. Thanks to today's smaller, less visible, more comfortable brackets, adults are finding braces more appealing. Healthy teeth, bones and gums respond well to orthodontic treatment at almost any age. It's never too late to get a healthy, beautiful smile.

You can continue to eat your regular cooked meal without any problems except hard and sticky food. Foods that are best avoided are popcorn, sticky chocolates, hard nuts and fruits, hard crusts and sticky hard non veg food. These foods can break or loosen your braces making you uncomfortable and can delay treatment.

The cost of orthodontic treatment will depend on many factors, including the severity of the problem, the length of treatment and the type of braces you choose. Many orthodontic problems require only limited treatment at relatively inexpensive fees. Your orthodontic specialist will be glad to discuss fees with you before treatment begins.

Convenient financing with an initial down payment and monthly installments can usually be arranged.

Brushing with braces on your teeth requires a little more effort than, if you didn’t any. Special an orthodontic toothbrush is advised to patient, which should be used twice a day in gentle circular motions with special emphasis to dislodge food that is lodged between teeth and the braces. Use mouthwash to rinse additionally.

Not at all. U doesn’t have to take any leave from schools or from your office. It has become more simpler & painless monthly visits than ever. You will only need to take reasonable care of your braces during contact sports like boxing, football, hockey, cricket etc. to prevent damage to the braces and injury to the teeth and lips.

Yes of course. Recent various advances absolutely made orthodontics as adult friendly Rx. The advance braces like ceramic, lingual and clear aligner made braces absolutely invisible treatment solution to correct teeth irregularity. Where as introduction of implant orthodontics & self ligating clarity brackets made treatment simpler and faster than ever